9 Nights
4 - 12
Group size
This itinerary has options for you to extend & customise your experience before &/or after your holiday. See Itinerary for details.
YellowWood ran it's first ever adventure here in the Gheralta Mountains in 2017 (we began as an Ethiopia specialist), and this remains our favourite corner of the world! On this stunning adventure you will explore the beautiful 13th Century rock-hewn churches carved high up into the mountainsides as well as meet many of the charming people living in the Tigray region.
The Timkat Festival is one of the most important in the Ethiopia calendar so this is an incredibly special time to visit.
The itinerary includes one night camping in a beautifully situated spot beneath a giant sycamore tree to fully immerse yourself into this most African of landscapes. The walks up to the churches are mostly manageable (3 hours walking per day), can be challenging and without fail are extremely rewarding. The churches themselves are unique, deeply spiritual and other-worldly; there simply is no place like them anywhere else.
To learn more about Ethiopia watch our webinar HERE.
(Available as a small group tour or tailor-made holiday)
No trip to Ethiopia is complete without meeting the local villagers along the way and learning about their culture as you travel through their farmsteads, sampling their delicious buna during a coffee ceremony and the staple food injera. This region has recently emerged from social and political instability, being rarely visited by foreigners in recent years, making this an even more exceptional and authentic experience as the locals are welcoming back sustainable tourism with open arms after a period of hardship.
Your stay in the beautiful mountain lodge overlooking the ‘Spaghetti-Western’-like silhouettes of the Gheralta Mountains with a sundowner or two after a hot day out exploring is just heaven. Preceding this you will spend a night in the historic city of Axum, exploring the ancient stone-carved steele which - much like the pyramids of Giza - remain baffling modern minds as to how they were erected. This is also the site where the Biblical Ark of the Covenant is said to be kept safe in a small church.
The UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) currently advise against travel to some parts of Ethiopia, although this itinerary falls in their 'green zone' and is safe to travel to. This is why some places like Lalibela have not been included. Find more information HERE.
This itinerary has options for you to extend & customise your experience before &/or after your holiday. See below for details.
Boutique Hotel
Your adventure begins in this liveliest of cities. You will be transferred to your hotel for a rest before beginning our city tour in the afternoon.For those that would like to, you have an optional visit today (or on the penultimate day of your adventure) to the serene and thought provoking Hamlin Fistula Hospital. Here you can learn more about the fantastic work they do to support women and girls from remote villages such as the ones we will see later in our adventure.
In the evening watch traditional musicians and dancers performing different tribal dances in a culture house where you will also enjoy traditional Ethiopian food for dinner.
Overnight in Bonanza Hotel
Boutique Hotel
Fly from Addis to Axum airport and drive to hotel before exploring this exciting city. The Obelisks or 'steele' of Axum or hawelti in the local Tigrinya language were erected during the 4th-century and weigh up to 160 tonnes each. They were carved by subjects of the Kingdom of Aksum, an ancient Ethiopian civilisation, and are ornamented with two false doors at the base and feature decorations resembling windows on all sides.
Aksum has long been regarded a holy city for the Ethiopian Orthodox church as tradition states that is continues to house the Ark of the Covenant, taken from Jerusalem to Aksum by King Menilek I, legendary son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (Makeda), in the Church of St. Mary of Zion.
Overnight in Yared Zema Hotel
Boutique Hotel
Experience the incredible Timkat Festival in Axum city. The Timkat festival is an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian celebration that marks the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. It's one of the most important religious festivals in Ethiopia and is celebrated on January 19th each year when crowds from the surrounding countryside will join in the celebrations.
Witness the huge shining procession of gilt umbrellas marching down the streets, twinkling gold and silver with reds, purples and blues darting flames in the sunlight. The entire street thronged with men, women and children all dressed in white. A hotchpotch militia guard in oddly assorted garments of khaki and camouflaged clothing wore darkly coloured shammas flanking either side of the clergy. These are dressed in the most sumptuous robes imaginable, especially given the remoteness of the area, with red and purple velvets and soft green felt caps patterned with silver thread. Those not carrying the finely stitched parasols with swaying tassels bare heavy wooden staffs with huge representations of the intricately latticed Meskel [Ethiopian Cross] worked from chunks of brass or nickel, or carved directly from large trunks of wood - it is a sight to behold!
Overnight in Yared Zema Hotel
In the morning visit Axum market before we start driving towards to Gheralta Mountains, visiting the oldest temple in Africa called Yeha Temple on the way. Discovered in the town of Yeha in this northern Tigray region, the stone tower is built in a Sabean-style, common across much of sub-saharan Africa. This 'temple of the moon was built' in honour of the god Almougah, and dates back to approximately 700 BC to the reign of D’mt.
The Gheralta Mountain chain, deep within the northern high plateaux of the Tigray region, is highly picturesque. Sit on the high rock hill in the garden of your lodge taking in the big-sky view of a sunset over the cartoon cardboard cut-out shapes of the mountain silhouettes with a sundowner. On market day the huge plain in front of you will be thronged with people and their newly acquired livestock, walking back to their homes.
Overnight in the stunningly situated Gheralta Lodge.
In the morning drive a little way through the patchwork valley towards the mountains to get close to start the hiking up to the 13th century church Debretsion Abune Abrham, one of the best churches in the area. Saint Abuna Abraham, the largest church in the region is located at the top of a sheer cliff, overlooking a long stretch of plain far below. Its interior is nothing short of magnificent; eleven huge pillars of rock soaring upwards to a vaulted ceiling covered in colourful 7th Century frescos showing the deeds of the famous local Saint Abuna Abraham himself.
A priest, holding his wooden prayer stick and a metal rattle does a little prayer dance, murmuring intonations: “God, I ask from you from my heart, that you give me good health and peace.” After visiting, trek down and through Dugum Village, meeting local people and joining them for coffee in their public house. Walking for three hours up and down to the church.
Overnight in Gheralta Lodge.
During the late 5th Century, nine saints travelled as missionaries to Axum and were influential in the growth of Christianity in the region. Although legend has them all as Syrian in origin, many have been traced back to Constantinople, Anatolia and even Rome. Welcomed by King Ella Amida in Axum in the north, the son of the first Christian kings, the nine ‘Syrian’ saints then made their separate ways into the country, founding different churches and monasteries as they went.
Hike to the well known churches of Mariam Korkor and/or Daniel Korkor, both beautifully carved churches. Walking for three hours up and down to the churches but many clients may wish to stay longer into the night for tis completely unique experience.
One of priests beats a huge leather drum covered with cowhide, held in place by a thick leather strap over his shoulder. He has a pointy beard like a Spanish Conquistador and is surround by many other priests singing all through the night-long Genna Ceremony. Waves of incense fill the air, the music is hypnotic and through a microphone is played out from a round speaker wedged in a small hermitage window cut into the side of the mountain, the wailing prayers drifting down the 400m cliff face to the houses in the flat Tigrinya farmsteads on the dark tableland below.
Overnight in Gheralta Lodge.
Packed Lunch
A small dirt track leads through the acacia-dotted plain to the base of enormous towering natural rock towers lined up like a giant dinosaur’s tail or blocks of NYC-style high-rises in stone. One of the nine saints mentioned above, Saint Yemata Atan, came to Gheralta and legend has it that he rode his horse up the sheer wall to carve the church now named after him; his horse’s hoofmarks still imprinted and visible in the rock.
From the base of pillars it is very steep so you have to scramble up using these ancient hoofmarks / handholds and ropes are provided with a harness for a particularly tricky section. Upon reaching the top of a massive boulder wedged about halfway up between the two largest stone towers, you can see that windows of Abuna Yemata Atan Guh have been cut into the side of the largest pillar. To get inside, you have to shuffle along a metre-wide ledge with a sheer unprotected vertical drop of 250 metres. Ducking inside a small round hole, you are awarded with the cool, damp, beautifully frescoed interior of a place that shouldn’t exist.
For those who don't wish to take on this challenge, an alternative more gentle hike to a stunning cave with an interesting political history is arranged. You finish the day in our private camp under the biggest sycamore tree in the region. It is a wonderful spot where many of the local exotic birds flock to nest in its branches. Once here you can enjoy a relaxing afternoon chatting and resting, enjoying the ambiance of Africa with perhaps a glass of ouzo and a little dance around the fire. Walking/climbing for three hours up and down to the church or walking for three hours to the cave.
Overnight camping beneath the sycamore tree
Packed Lunch
Boutique Hotel
Mekelle is the capital of Ethiopia's northern Tigray region. After a delicious breakfast at camp you will make your way to the easily and accessible church Abrha We Atsbeha from 4th Century, before heading on to the city. The prominence of the amole salt market (the salt brought by camel caravans from the Danakil Depression) and Mekelle's strategic position as a transit centre for other commodities in the region has meant the city has always been an important one - even being the official capitol of the country in the late 19th Century.
During the Italian War of 1895–96, Mekelle was a crucial battleground in the conflict, with the second phase occurring during the Italian occupation of 1935–41 when they contributed considerably to its modernisation with their wide cobbled streets still in use today.
Overnight in Mekelle (TBC)
Packed Lunch
Boutique Hotel
Fly to Addis Ababa or stay on for the amazing Danakil Depression adventure (pictured)
If you head back to Addis then there can be time to explore some of the shops before sprucing up for a final dinner at 'Castelli's', the finest (and oldest) Italian restaurant in the country, which is an experience unto itself.
Overnight in Bonanza Hotel in Addis Ababa
Transfer to the airport for your flight home, festooned with unforgettable memories.
Taken from Wax & Gold: Journeys in Ethiopia & other roads less travelled by Sam McManus:
“The valley [in Gheralta] was a patchwork of perfectly levelled fields dotted with acacia, olive and eucalyptus. Cacti ran in thick groves, used as a natural fencing around properties. A peach sunset warmed the sky in the west with rays of gold slicing through fluffy cumulonimbus onto the valley floor.
To the east, Mariam Bagulisha, a gently domed pinnacle of rock, soared from the flat ground to puncture the dreamy marshmallow sky. I felt that whatever I had been hoping to find in this country, this was it. I mean, this was really it. It was as if I was walking in the Garden of Eden, a natural paradise here on earth.”
Single rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Some single tents may be available during the camping section of this adventure. We will charge on a pro-rata basis if a single room is not available to book for part of the trip where it would have been possible.
Carbon Compensation is not the perfect solution, and it is important to first reduce our carbon emissions as much as we can, yet trees remain an excellent natural technology to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow global warming.
For every client and guide who attends a YellowWood Adventure, we donate £30 to our partner charity WeForest to plant 15 trees to (over) compensate for the carbon footprint of the tour.
We also invite our clients to match this with an optional additional £30 for another 15 trees to be planted to help compensate for the carbon footprint of their international flights.
WeForest run many tree planting and tree maintenance projects such as this seedling nursery in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil and many other projects in other countries including Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania & India.
Click Here to find out more about their amazing projects around the world.
We fully believe in, and practice Responsible Tourism, using hotels run by locals. We put time and effort into building our relationship with them to ensure you have a a great trip.
We choose hotels based on cleanliness, comfort, safety, proximity to our route (to avoid unnecessary extra road travel), and a warm client welcome, as well as reliability in their service to us. Some hotels will be basic, and in modern buildings and or in towns. Wherever we can, we will choose smaller more characterful, individual hotels, but in areas where tourism is still developing, this may not be available.
An aspect of our adventures is to escape the ‘trappings’ of modern Western lifestyles and to experience new things which is exciting and memorable, and reflects the countries we are visiting. This is adventure travel and on occasion the advertised services at a hotel (eg wifi, hot showers, or continuous power) may not be functional on our arrival. This tends to occur in the smaller, more remote hotels. Very rarely a hotel lets us down and we are required to find alternative suitable accommodation that might not be our first choice.
This trip involves both hotel and camping accommodation. The list below gives information on our first choice of accommodation for this adventure. Where hotels and refuges are fully booked or unavailable, we will use an alternative of a similar standard, and equally well situated. We will provide you with an accurate list of accommodation, with contact information to leave with relatives, prior to departure on your adventure.
With the exception of some of the higher class hotels in Addis Ababa, hotels generally do not have heat or air conditioning. As nights can be chilly, please bring appropriate sleepwear if needed.
In areas where malaria is a problem, hotel rooms come with mosquito nets.
Unless you have booked a single room (where they are available) and paid the single room supplement for those nights, you will be sharing a twin room with another client (of the same gender).
Supporting you on your holiday will be Gebre, our local professional Ethiopian hiking guide, for the duration of your time in Tigray (Axum to Mekelle). Local English-speaking tour guides will also be with you for the whole time in Addis.
Your group will be any number from our minimum group size of 4, up to a maximum of 12 clients. This number works really well with the ratio of guides, and ensures the optimum level of service to you during your adventure.
We get clients booking alone, as couples and in small groups of friends. If you have a group of friends or family who are interested in having their own customised trip, then please let us know and we can cost it for you.
You are visiting the mountainous areas of Ethiopia and although all of the walks to the churches are optional, there are some steep sections and the heat is a constant factor.
You will be carrying just a day pack and your water bottle. We highly recommend a filtration water bottle such as in the packing list.
As with all active holidays, the fitter you are the more you can relax and enjoy the stunning route, and the better you can cope with challenges such as the outside elements.
Clients are advised to get in as much regular walking before the trip as convenient.
NB: If you have bought new hiking boots for this adventure, this is the right time to wear them in, not on the trip itself.
Your YellowWood adventure starts at the airport in Addis Ababa. We understand that arriving into an unfamiliar airport can be very daunting, so we aim to give you as much information here as possible to help you prepare.
Flights are not included in the cost of your holiday, and whilst we are happy to help advise you, responsibility for booking the correct flights rests with you. We recommend that you use a comparison tool when searching for flights, such as skyscanner or We will send you a Flight Information Sheet with further pointers on which flights to book for your adventure.
For the latest travel advice from the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office including security and local laws, plus passport and visa information, check As the situation in our destination countries can change, please do ensure you check regularly before your adventure. We also receive notifications direct from the FCDO so we are always aware of the ‘status’ in our destination countries.
All domestic flights are operated by Ethiopian Airlines, unless prior arrangement has been made for special charter flights. Please note that Ethiopian Airlines offer a 50% discount on national flights if you have travelled with them for your international flight. We will provide you with further information on your Flight Information Sheet.
Holiday insurance is essential for all Yellow Wood Adventures. Unfortunately anyone without insurance is not able to take part in the holiday, so please make sure you arrange cover. We recommend sorting your insurance when you book so that if you have problems during the run up to your holiday, and need to cancel, you are covered, particularly in the light of effects that the pandemic has had on travel.
Prior to the holiday, we will ask you to send us details of your insurer, policy number, 24 hr emergency assistance contact details and the name, address, and telephone numbers of your NOK or persons to be notified in the event of an emergency.
Your insurance needs to cover you for hiking /trekking with the following fairly standard inclusions:
We would also recommend that you have cover for the following optional items:
For information on Ethiopia, such as climate, weather, language, social norms, food & drink etc, please have a read of our Country specificinformation.
Advait Kapadia, London
The Gheralta Mountains trip is a truly incredible experience, which accumulates in climbing Abuna Yemata Guh – a genuine wonder. YellowWood have planned the itinerary to keep every day adventure filled and blended the experience of an extremely remote location with the hustle and bustle of Addis seamlessly. I would definitely recommend this trip and YellowWood!.
Ruth Leather
Genna Festival (seasonal variation of Lalibela & Gheralta Mountain Adventure), 2020
Phoebe Armstrong
Lalibela & Gheralta Mountain Adventure, 2019
Helen Tindale
Genna Festival (seasonal variant of Lalibela & Gheralta Mountains), 2020
Shyam Radia
Lalibela & Gheralta Mountains, 2018
Hamel Shah, Dubai
Lalibela & Gheralta Mountains, 2018
Lauren Douglas, Dubai, 2018
Katherine Andrews, London
A once in a lifetime adventure witnessing Ethiopian cultural heritage at its best as well as sublime, albeit challenging treks deep into the Gheralta Mountains. Both locals and guides were utterly charming.
All adventures can be tailored as private bespoke trips.
Please contact us for more information:
+44 207 846 0197
Select dates: Choose the dates for your adventure and consider adding any extra adventures or add-ons to enhance your experience.
Check the box to agree to our Terms & Conditions.
Make Booking: Click on "Make Booking." If you're booking more than 56 days before your adventure, you'll be redirected to secure WorldPay to make your deposit. If it's 56 days or less before your adventure, you'll need to make full payment. Rest assured, your money is held securely by the Travel Trust Association.
Your booking will show as 'pending' in your YellowWood online account.
Confirmation: We'll be in touch as soon as possible to confirm your booking or discuss any availability limitations. Please refrain from booking transport or flights until we've emailed you to confirm your booking. (Note: Receipt of your booking form is not confirmation.)
Making payment: Once your booking is confirmed, we'll change the status of your final invoice from 'Pending Approval' to 'Outstanding,' indicating that it's ready for payment online.
You will receive a reminder email for your final payment 56 days before the departure date.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about your adventure or booking, we're here to help!
To help you choose the right adventure for you, we have given each itinerary a grading that relates to the level of Walking / Trekking you will experience during the trip. This grading can be found on the Yellow map on the adventure page of the website.
All of our trips involve a level of general activity so are designed for people who are in good health, enjoy the outdoors, and have a taste for adventure and some level of fitness. As will be clear from our destinations, the climate (and altitude) may be different to that which you are used to, so please take this into consideration when choosing the most suitable holiday.
Please read our Adventure Itinerary & Essential Information for more information and don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to chat through whether you have found a suitable adventure for you.
You need to be in good physical health to enjoy your active holiday, but you don’t need to be an experienced hiker. These itineraries offer a mix of sightseeing and easier walking for around 2-4hrs a day, with the emphasis on sights and cultural experiences.
Walks will be well marked or on defined pathways, and often around sites of interest. The expected amount of descent/ascent will depend on the landscapes of the destination, but will not exceed 400m/day, and will often be much less. Walks are at low altitude (below 3000m).
You will not be required to carry more than a day sack with water and essentials. Ensure you are aware of the weather conditions likely in the destination you are visiting and have a pair of comfortable and worn in walking shoes/boots.
You need to have a good level of fitness and be a regular walker for these adventures, with ideally some trekking experience. You can expect to be walking for 3-6 hours per day, not including rest stops, normally on good trail paths but with some uneven surfaces at times.
You will not be required to carry more than a day sack. You may be walking in more challenging temperatures. You will generally be walking at low altitude (below 3000m) but may walk at altitudes up to 4000m. The amount of ascent could be up to 800m in a day but will frequently be less. You may walk on consecutive days.
Ensure you are aware of the weather conditions likely in the destination you are visiting and have suitable clothing for this adventure.
You need to have a good level of fitness with previous experience of trekking. Extra training before your trip will ensure that you get the most out of your adventure. Areas will be remote and terrain uneven.
Expect to walk for 5 – 8 hours a day, not including breaks, with some very steep ascents and descents. You will be walking at altitude (over 3000m but not higher than 5000m).
Ensure you are aware of the weather conditions likely in the destination you are visiting and have suitable equipment/clothing for this adventure (see the packing list for your adventure).
Please check individual itineraries for details of what you will need to be carrying with you.
CLICK HERE to schedule a call online with YellowWood Founder Sam McManus.
Or call us directly 24/7 on: